Joe Lambert
Goal: Muscle Rehabilitation | Achievement: -17.5lb + No more daily pain
“When I first started out with AJ I wanted to lose weight but had no knowledge on how to do this and had bad knee pain when walking up and downstairs”
“AJ showed me the key to weight loss was a good diet and he helped me plan out a diet that was most effective for me to lose weight. A key element to that weight loss was helping resolve my knee pain so that I could do a lot more exercises. AJ explained to me that building muscles in my legs would help ease that pain. Over time we worked on my legs and built up the muscles around my knee, this enabled the muscles to work hard rather than my knee joint. Through the process of building muscles in my legs, AJ was always very careful to make sure I was not putting too much strain on my knee and if there was any sign I was struggling with the pain he would immediately tell me to stop and not risk injuring myself, overtime this built my leg muscles up to a point that I am no longer in daily pain and I am now lifting weights I never thought I could.”