Connor Bell

Goal: Body Fat Loss | Achievement: -61lb

“I wouldn’t be where I am now without all of this help and motivation from Adrian”

“Since following the guidance and receiving the support from Adrian my health and lifestyle choices have improved dramatically. Having someone like Adrian has been essential in my personal physique goals. Over the past few months, he has been pushing me mentally and physically, helping me understand the principles of nutrition and how my body reacts to different foods I eat. This was all new information for me and a real eye-opener on the incorrect choices I’ve made with food in the past. Adrian has been patient in this process as there is a lot to learn and a lot to still learn moving forward. Training in the gym is something I also wished to improve on and Adrian has shown me a variety of exercises for different muscle groups not only showing me how it’s done but also taking the time to talk about why it’s done in the way that it is. He has installed the importance of compound movements and how they affect muscle growth. And also cardiovascular exercise to maintain a calorie deficit. Through his work in the gym with me, I implement what I’m taught into my own sessions and have seen a great improvement in my appearance since doing so. I wouldn’t be where I am now without all of this help and motivation from Adrian and to that I am grateful and look forward to what the future holds working with him.”


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